Monday, December 16, 2019

ready to read, Dr. Preston

The first day I took a step in this class room I thought to my self it's going to be the same thing as every other English class. I wasn't even expecting anything new this year. The first day I entered your classroom was August 15 on a Thursday that day when I first met you I wasn't that nervous. The air/feeling in the classroom was calm.

The next few weeks things started to get a little difficult. In the class we started to do Journals, Blogs, memorizing poetry and posting videos it was something new that I haven't done in the past years with my English teachers.The way we did things in the class was new to me we did mostly everything in our tablets or phone not once have I ever done this with any of my English teachers in the past years. This is the first time in a while I had to adapt to something new like this it was a challenge for me but I thought about it as a soccer game and I accepted the challenge.

The point when I had the most tension was during the test we had. During the test I was struggling to give an answer. I tried to remember what I learned and what I studied the day before the test  I gave my best answers. After the test I learned that I had to give more time into my studying.

To be honest I actually still haven't found a routine that can help me do thing easier my schedule is kind of busy but I think that ill find a routine that fits me. The difference between now and then is that when I started I hardly did any work at all I was lazy in the begging but now I realized that I need to pass this course or it will affect me in the future so when the next semester starts I told self that I well and I have to do every work if I want to graduate from high school.

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I think that the central message of the book Is to focus and live in the present and not the past.